Monday 21 January 2013

The Social Partnership

The Social Partnership (TSP) is a registered charity and was formed in 1994 as part of a Home Office initiative to tackle drug misuse in Liverpool and its associated implications concerning social deprivation, criminality, breakdown of family life and its effect on the welfare system. Employment, training and education opportunities with intensive mentoring support, as a vehicle to tackle personal and social barriers, remain the focus of our business aims and objectives.

TSP also has a wealth of experience in helping other organisations develop services for substance misusers.  In 2001 we acted as advisers to the Lauder College in Fife offering good practice guidance in the setting up successful drug pilot projects.  In 2004 we helped Access2Industry, an Edinburgh based organisation to set up and manage a two-year pilot structured day care project for problem drug users.

In 2006, we were invited to meet with the Social Security Advisory Committee to discuss our good practice model in Merseyside and, provide insight into how other organisations can make best use of partner agencies for client benefit.

TSP was one of the original organisations to deliver progress2work’s forerunner the Progress Pilot.  This was aimed at assessing the viability of employment led projects for dug users.  We achieved best performing pilot status as a result.  The Progress Pilot project formed the basis for the Department of Work and Pensions progress2work’s tender specification.

We remain a specialist organisation, working exclusively with adults and young people that present the following barriers to employment: drug/alcohol misuse, recidivism, homelessness or vulnerably housed, complex health issues, poor social functioning skills, poor learning experiences and ambition levels, low self esteem and histories of worklessness.

From its inception back in 1994 we have developed our original two projects Transit (formerly Second Chance) and Artskills to our current portfolio which includes:

  • Jobs First – Merseyside DWP grant funded project
  • Wirral Community Alcohol Projects – PCT funded
  • Wirral Reachout – Council funded employability project
  • Healthwise – bespoke training arm of TSP
  • Transit – PCT funded
  • Fixers - Trainee Community Support Workers/Learning Mentors
  • Work Programme – sub contractor for A4e

Contact The Social Partnership on 0151 258 1199